Digital Marketing Agency for Romanian Market | Social Media, PR, PPC & Influencer Marketing

Digital Marketing Agency for Romanian Market
Social Media, PR, PPC & Influencer Marketing

Digital Marketing Agency for Romanian Market
Social Media, PR, PPC & Influencer Marketing



Client: CGS România
Objective: Building an online communication campaign through which to reach a large number of young people
Results: 30 blog posts, reach of +250,000 people, over 1,000 ebook downloads and 234 calls taken by the 10 bloggers in 2 hours

CGS is one of the most important providers of outsourcing solutions present on the Romanian market. The company provides services in 18 foreign languages, with 6 support centers in our country (Bucharest, Brașov, Sibiu, Târgu-Jiu, Miercurea-Ciuc and Galați). Together with the PR agency Comm’On Communication, we developed for the CGS client the #SunaUnBlogger campaign.

The challenge was to communicate to young people that an outsourcing job can be a good start, given that they do not need experience to get involved in this field. Basically, the main goal was to build an online communication campaign through which to reach a large number of young people. The secondary objective was to explain to young people what outsourcing is and what this job entails.

Our idea was to invite 10 bloggers to the CGS headquarters in Bucharest and show them what it means to work in a call center. They did the initial training that any new employee of CGS does, then they took calls, like the company’s employees. Before inviting them to the CGS headquarters, each of the 10 bloggers promoted on his blog that he will be employed for a day in a call center. At the same time, everyone promoted through the article the phone number (made especially for this campaign) and the time interval at which those at home could call.

We chose 10 young bloggers to achieve the main goal and reach exactly the audience that interests us: pupils and students looking for their first job experience. And for the secondary goal, to explain to young people what outsourcing is, we built the first eBook about outsourcing in Romania, which was promoted by the 10 bloggers to the readers who rang while they were answering the phones. At the same time, the eBook was later promoted on the blogs of the 10 bloggers hired for a day at CGS, but also on the CGS Romania channels.

In the end, the campaign generated over 30 blog posts, reaching a total of 250,000 people. The eBook was downloaded over 1000 times, and in the two hours that the 10 bloggers answered the phone, 234 calls were answered.

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