Flanco is one of the most well-known stores of electronic products, household appliances and IT&C in Romania, with a network of over 100 stores, located in the most important commercial areas in 74 cities.
Together with the partner agency Premium Communication, we carried out the #ScoalaFlanco campaign, whose main objective was to position Flanco as a brand that contributes to the continuous education and information of customers, thus declining the brand’s slogan, “Always beyond expectations”.
The Flanco school represented a series of courses held in the Flanco store on Promenada Mall. Each course had a predetermined theme, and the participants were chosen in advance. During the campaign, we took on the implementation part, choosing the trainers, establishing the topics that the courses will cover and taking care of the enrollment management.
Thus, I had 5 bloggers as trainers. Each gave a 4-hour course on a chosen topic, sharing the experience with the audience and challenging them to a practical test, which highlighted the tactics learned after the course, but also challenged the participants to test and use products from the Flanco offer,.
The 5 courses were held by:
Cristian China-Birta – #brandingbeyondexpectations;
Cristian Florea – #bloggingbeyondexpectations;
Vlad Dulea – #videobloggingbeyondexpectations;
Cezar Dumitru – #travelbeyondexpectations;
Dragoș Asaftei – #photographybeyondexpectations;
The campaign gathered 181 participants for the 5 courses, from which the trainers chose a total of 80 students. There were 470 mentions of the hashtag#ȘcoalaFlanco in social media and over 200 articles were written on blogs and websites, the campaign reaching a total of 1,160,000 people.